How can I help Ukraine from The Netherlands?

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Help Ukraine from The Netherlands

Since the war started, Ukrainians are doing their best to escape from their home country. Sometimes they need to do it without any resources and need to leave their families behind. It is obvious we need to give our neighbors a hand. However, sometimes we come across fake fundraisings or organizations that claim to help but they are only taking advantage of this hard situation. So, how can I help Ukraine when I live in The Netherlands? In this article, I have gathered all the legit links and associations I found online to help Ukraine when you are in The Netherlands. I hope you can find them as useful as we did.

Donate money

I am sure that at this point you knew donating money to Ukraine was an option. Nevertheless, sometimes it is not that easy to find legit organizations. That´s why I have done some reasearch for you and I have gathered all the best organizations you can trust to donate your money. This way, you know that it will be invested in emergency aid, medicines, protective personal equipment, and other goods that will help Ukrainians to go through the crisis. 

  1. Giro555 has already spent more than 160 million € on food, medicines, drinking water, and other goods that are being sent to Ukraine and other neighboring countries, like Poland, Romania, or Moldova.
  2. United Nations CERF has donated a total of $60 million to help Ukraine, which has been possible thanks to the huge amount collected by individual donations.
  3. UN Refugee Agency (UNHRCR) is providing protection and humanitarian assistance. This includes emergency shelters, repairs for damaged homes, emergency cash assistance, and protection such as psychological support.
  4. Save the Children helps Ukrainian children who had to leave their homes during the war. They are offering them shelter in a safer country, psychological and sociological support, and company to travel to protect them against criminals.

Collaborate with the Ukranian community in The Netherlands

In this community you will have the option to donate money, goods, see their current projects to help their country, and attend demonstrations related. On those demonstrations, you will meet a lot of people from Ukraine. Thus, you can offer them personal help.

For example, volunteer your services as a professional, tell them you have a free bedroom for them, or simply offer to help them with the language, to find a job, or just show them nice things to do around the country.

In the contact section of that site, you can also propose new projects that you think may help them.

Donate goods

Apart from money, you can also donate goods, such as food, medicines, blankets, etc.

On this website you can find the collect points near you, as well as the goods they need to collect.

Join pacific protests

Joining protests is seen as a useless activity by many. However, it is not. Joining protests show support, increase awareness and pressure governments to take more action. In addition, in protests, you will be able to get closer to the problem. You will be able to reach people who need help, and come up with new projects to improve their situation. On this website you can see all the pacific protests near you to help Ukraine.

Offer jobs to refugees

Do you have a business and are looking to hire new employees? Not all Ukrainians are ready to work after such a traumatizing situation they had to go through. However, many people coming from the war want to start working to integrate themselves in the country as soon as possible. Try to find them and recruit them. This will be one of the best things you can do for many individuals.

In GP-Connect, we offer housing and jobs for Ukrainians who are looking for a job. If you don’t have a business, but you may have access to people who are looking for a job with accommodation, forward them this link or share it on your social media accounts for visibility! Any help is welcomed!

Do volunteer work

Finally, If you want to go one step further and help Ukrainian refugees directly, you can check the volunteer programs some companies, like Vluchtelingwerk Nederland are offering to support refugees in The Netherlands. Moreover, if you have the expertise needed, you can also volunteer by traveling to Ukraine, with organizations, like Volunteers for Ukraine.

Do you know any more tips to help Ukraine from The Netherlands? Please, let us know in the comments below!


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