Communications Internship: Interview with Gergana Zlatanova

8 mins read

Starting an internship can be a transformative experience, shaping both your personal and professional growth. Today we will dive into Gergana’s internship experience at GP-Connect. But let’s first get to know a bit about her! Gergana is 22-year-old originally from Bulgaria and moved to the Netherlands nearly four years ago to start her Bachelor’s degree, International Business at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda.

“Choosing the Netherlands has turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made, as I truly love it here!”  

People in the office would describe Gergana as “a kind, positive, and friendly person” while in professional aspect “determined, hardworking, and ambitious”. In the following blog Gergana shared her experiences as a Communications and Relations Intern, highlighting her diverse responsibilities, memorable moments, and future aspirations.

Exciting Responsibilities and Dynamic Workdays

“At GP-Connect, no day is the same”

When asked about her daily or typical tasks Gergana wanted to truly highlight the fact that every day is different and unexpected. “At GP-Connect, no day is the same, and the word “typical” is not used much in the context of GP-Connect. We often have new responsibilities and tasks, so it is hard to describe a single repetitive routine. “As a Communications and Relations Intern, Gergana acted as the go-between for external partners, the company, and her colleagues. “My main job was to keep good relations with our partners and be their first point of contact,” Gergana explains. She also helped screen CVs with her supervisor, Lea Goron. Her tasks required her to keep communication smooth and ensure everything ran efficiently.

“the word “typical” is not used much in the context of GP-Connect”

Gergana’s mornings often started with checking the internal ERP system for candidate applications and handling urgent queries or issues raised by partners. Her tasks included helping colleagues, creating communication materials, and promoting urgent job positions in the hospitality industry.

Enjoyable and Rewarding Aspects

“I often felt like an investigator, which motivated me”

For Gergana, the best part of her job was interacting with people. “Daily communication with partners, colleagues, and sometimes candidates were a pleasure,” she says. The partners she interacted with were outstanding professionals, making these interactions enjoyable.” Meeting people from different cultures and learning new things every day was incredibly rewarding for her. “Communicating with people from different cultures and learning something new daily was very rewarding”. She also enjoyed the challenge of problem-solving, which often felt like detective work as she mentions “Solving issues was also fulfilling, as they are very complex, and I often felt like an investigator, which motivated me.”  Moreover, Gergana felt like adding the following closing sentence to this question:

“Interacting with people and hearing their stories was what I enjoyed the most,”

Learning Opportunities and Making a Difference at GP-Connect

Gergana’s work went beyond daily tasks; she played a key role in keeping things running smoothly and meeting team goals. By helping colleagues and ensuring tasks were done well, she was an important piece in the steady growth of GP-Connect. Her work contributed to finding quality candidates and filling positions effectively, which matched the company’s goal of constant growth. “My role contributed mainly to the smooth operation of daily processes and reaching company and team objectives,” Gergana explains. Her efforts supported sustainable growth, aligning with GP-Connect’s mission. To connect and help hospitality businesses and talents to grow and connect in #hospitality.

“I improved my intercultural proficiencies and communication skills”

One of the highlights of Gergana’s internship was her thesis project on “Employee Retention in Fast-growing Companies.” This research assignment, part of her graduation requirement, allowed her to dive deep into a topic she cared about. Conducting an internal survey and receiving support from her colleagues made this a valuable learning experience. “My colleagues were all very supportive and collaborative when participating in interviews as part of the research,” Gergana shares. Additionally, Gergana gained significant skills, especially in recruiting, talent sourcing, and using various candidate systems such as Willo, Microsoft Office, Manatal, and other software. “I improved my intercultural proficiencies and communication skills and gained significant experience in recruiting and talent sourcing. I learned how to source candidates, analyse candidate profiles, and identify suitable jobs for them, mainly how to maintain a partner network.”

Supportive Mentorship

“Lea was not just a mentor; she was a true friend”

Gergana speaks with genuine appreciation for her supervisor, Lea Goron, highlighting the significant role Lea played in her professional development. “Lea was not just a mentor; she was a true friend and an extraordinary motivator,” Gergana shares. Lea’s guidance went beyond teaching the ropes of the job; she entrusted Gergana with significant responsibilities that accelerated her learning curve. “She enabled me to gain the professional skills needed for my job quickly. More than just training me, Lea provided me with autonomy and trusted me with important tasks, which was both challenging and empowering.”

“Lea provided me with autonomy and trusted me”

Even though Lea offered Gergana the opportunity to autonomy, Lea was always there to offer valuable advice, helping Gergana navigate not just work-related decisions but also larger questions in personal life and goals. ” Lea also provided valuable advice on personal matters, helped me with significant decisions, and guided me in forming an ethical personal opinion and judgement about important matters at work and in life. ” Gergana notes, appreciating the holistic guidance she received.

” Instead of a boss-intern dynamic, we were equals”

This supportive relationship made Gergana feel confident and valued, setting a positive tone for her entire internship experience. ” Instead of a boss-intern dynamic, we were equals and one team. This created an environment where I felt comfortable expressing my ideas and opinions.” But most importantly ” More than anything, I felt like I had a friend at work.” Gergana says.

Team Spirit

The friendly and positive team at GP-Connect further enhanced Gergana’s experience. The camaraderie among colleagues turned work into an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. “The atmosphere was friendly, and we often organized hangouts after work. We were all friends and not just colleagues,” Gergana recalls fondly, highlighting how much she learned from each team member. The sense of belonging and the supportive culture at GP-Connect made her internship a memorable chapter in her life. “All colleagues were incredibly positive and welcoming.”

“All colleagues were incredibly positive and welcoming.”

Moreover, every lunch felt like a teambuilding. According to Gergana, lunch breaks often turned into mini team-building sessions “Around lunchtime, we take a break and eat and laugh together. If we are lucky with the beautiful Dutch weather ;), we all go for a walk which is always like a small team building, where I connect with my colleagues.”

Overcoming Challenges and Future Goals

“I had to make decisions based on my judgment and values”

Like any job, Gergana faced challenges, especially in dealing with candidate issues and different interpretations of events. Gathering all the information and making decisions based on her judgment and values were key in overcoming these challenges. “The most difficult task is finding the whole truth, as there is no single truth when different stakeholders are involved,” Gergana explains. Due to her autonomy and with the guidance from Lea, Gergana had to sometimes make important decisions “I had to make decisions based on my judgment and values, which was very challenging but exciting for me.”
This experience confirmed her interest in HR, talent sourcing, and partner relations, shaping her future career goals. “This internship helped me confirm that HR could be a sphere I can enjoy developing in the future,” she adds.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Reflecting on her time at GP-Connect, Gergana expresses gratitude for the opportunity and the positive experiences she gained. She highly recommends GP-Connect to fellow students, praising the organization’s flexibility, learning opportunities, and supportive environment. “GP-Connect is a thriving organisation with great flexibility and daily challenges that facilitate learning and professional growth,” Gergana states.

“I thank GP-Connect and all my wonderful colleagues, especially my manager, Lea Goron”

Gergana’s internship journey at GP-Connect shows how valuable a well-structured and supportive internship can be. As she prepares to submit her thesis and move on to the next chapter of her career, Gergana carries with her valuable skills, experiences, and fond memories of her time at GP-Connect. She concludes, “Overall, my experience was great and exciting. I thank GP-Connect and all my wonderful colleagues, especially my manager, Lea Goron. I wish them all success and hope to see them again in the future.”

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