8+1 Tips Before Finding a Job in the Netherlands

2 mins read

We won’t lie to you: it’s not always simple for foreigners and expats to find job in the Netherlands, especially in the HORECA industry. However, if you want to secure your ideal career in the Netherlands, planning beforehand will be really helpful.

How then do you become ready to work as an expat in the Netherlands? Let’s start with the top 9 things you should be aware of.

Work Permit

Are you a non-EU citizen? Then you will need a valid work permit in order to apply for jobs in the Netherlands .Recruitment agencies usually can find you a job only with applicants with a valid work permit in the Netherlands. Please visit to the IND website listed below for a list of organizations in the Netherlands that provide sponsorship if you require sponsorship for your visa here.

GP-Connect unfortunately, is not able to sponsor non-EU citizens at this stage.

A Citizen Service Number: ‘Burgerservicenumer’ (or BSN)

You must receive a BSN number if you want to work in the Netherlands, therefore you have to schedule an appointment to register at your local municipality so that you can be included to the database. Only people who already have a valid Dutch address are eligible to receive a BSN number.

Don’t worry, though; we can assist you in this.

A Dutch Phone Number

A Dutch phone number is sometimes required in order to open a bank account in some banks. Additionally, having a Dutch phone number makes it simpler for employers to contact you once you’ve applied and demonstrates consistency.

A Dutch Bank Account

Foreigners with an international passport, EU-passport or any Dutch ID can open a bank account in the Netherlands. But note that you also need a BSN to open the bank account before you start your job in the Netherlands.

Read the next steps on our downloadable guide.

Came here for the info? Let’s get to work, you future-Dutchie work-seeker!

Don’t forget to take a look at our open positions to boost your career in the hospitality industry today!

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